Monday, January 7, 2019

Frightful's Mountain by Jean Craighead-George

I just finished listening to this audiobook via Scribd on my way to work today. It was a good story with a happy ending, and I really liked seeing the world through a Peregrine falcon's eyes. The shift in the falcon's expected pattern in life was interesting to me, because it saved the falcon and it's legacy in numerous occasions. There is still one more book to read or listen to in this series, and this one was not written by Jean directly. It's titled Frightful's Daughter and it's a picture book from what I can tell on Goodreads. It's only 32 pages. A nice way to notch up my Goodreads reading challenge for the year. Frightful's Mountain is the first book I have finished for the new year! And the first book logged for my 50 book reading challenge for the year.