I finally squeezed in the time to read some short stories from my subscription of Clarkesworld Magazine. In Issue 171, December 2020, this was the first story I read. It was good. I really liked how the homeless man ended up doing something with himself despite the hardships he was going through. And I loved how he was able to fix up the discarded AI from the city to build a happy little community for himself. There are many times I wish I could have lived alone on an island, and I love reading stories, even today, about people that make it happen. Does it seems plausible that nobody would find out though? Living on a small stretch of land in a lake (or river, I can't remember what it was anymore) in the middle of a big city seems hard to believe. It's hard to stay anonymous out there. I remember reading about a real homeless man in London that was living in an underground home in a park for years, but he eventually got caught. Your best bet is to live in an apartment if you want to be left mostly alone in the big city I think.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
The Island of Misfit Toys by Fiona Moore
Monday, August 17, 2020
Neptune's Treasure by Richard A. Lovett
I have always wanted to blog about all the stuff I read, especially my science fiction. Never had the time. I still don't, but I'm going to make time for at least one book, my all time favorite science fiction story. That's the book in the title by the way. I first read the story all out of order, in an online copy of Analog Science Fiction magazine. I read "Music to Me" and did not even realize that it was part 4 of a 5 part series until Richard came out with "Defender of Worms" a few months afterwards. Neptune's Treasure is something I had wanted him to do for many years now, a collection of all five stories in one place for me to finally read the entire series in the proper order. Originally when I had contacted the author he said I could find the stories at the local library. I told him the Analog would not sell me specific backissues to me, even digitally. They apparently don't keep copies of all the stuff they publish. Boggles the mind, but maybe they just can't handle custom orders like that.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
My musical Patreon Page.
I'm making music people!
More to come about music and science fiction in the future I think. Need to think about this one...